Author: Mikhail Doroshevich
Belarusian Ministry of information is not developing any laws cocnerning regulation of online media. Lilia Ananich, first deputy minister of information, announced this on the press conference held on February, 6.
"The new law on mass media does not regulate internet media. At present , Ministry of information isn't developing any legislative acts on regulation of their activites. There is a possibility of creating such a law, but it is no needed", - Lilia Ananich said.
According to Lilia Ananich's words, the law only concerns printed media, television and radio. "As for internet media registration, my subjective opinion is that we already have internet media, and it doesn't matter if we want it or not. I think that journalists of such media may be a bit unhappy because they don't have registration rights" - she noted.
First deputy minister stressed, that no internet media will be reqired to get registered in Belarus, as there's no law that demands it.
During a round table discussion "Mass media law as a factor of national media space developement" held in Minsk on February, 4, the first deputy head of president's administration Natalia Petkevich said that "there are no regulations in the legislation that directy deal with registration rules or say anythong about registration of internet media at all, or in any way deals with them"
Natalia Petkevich's opinion is that there is only one article in the law concerning media's registration. It is that Council of Ministers is authorised to introduce it.
"It has been said many times that developement of such a regulation will not be carried out at least in the forseeble future, and there's no work on this document"
Useful links:
The Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus
Belarusian President signs Law on Mass Media
E-Belarus.ORG, 2001-2011
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